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Your Blueprint For The Covid-Compliant Workplace

Safely welcoming employees and visitors on-site during COVID-19 brings about a myriad of new challenges. Workplace leaders must adapt their space to meet social distancing guidelines. You need to certify that your team is healthy and meets your criteria to come on-site. You should provide sanitation supplies and increase cleaning and disinfecting schedules. Most importantly, you need to make sure your team feels confident and safe coming to work in the office.

Navigating these challenges could require significant changes in office design. Conference rooms may have new capacity limits. Hallways may become directionally one-way. Restrooms may close for short periods for regular cleaning. Your business may adopt hot desking so employees can work at a safe distance from one another.

Failing to make these changes could not only disrupt business continuity, but could put your team at risk and leave your organization liable should something happen. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by this, you’re not alone. That’s why we partnered with the experts at Density to put together a blueprint for setting up a COVID-compliant workplace

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